Thursday, March 19, 2009

Psych Evaluation

Well, I went in for my psych. screening today. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was a breeze. I got to see NCCRM for the first time, that maybe was not as much a breeze. The receptionist was pretty rude. Lori warned me, so I wasn't exactly surprised. Rob and I got there at 11:05 and she didn't get us into to get blood work done before the 11:30 appointment. Afterwards the psychologist told her I was ready, but I still sat and waited in the waiting room. After a while I went up to ask again when I could have it drawn, and she said "Oh, you're ready now?" in this rude, put-upon tone. Like she had been waiting for me! Anyway, the bloodwork was an adventure all on its own. I'm not an easy stick and it took them 2 nurses and finally drawing out of my hand to get all the vials they needed. I guess there are a lot of STDs out there! It'll be fun going in for all the blood draws during the IVF. Eeek. At least once you get past the guardkeeper receptionist the rest of the staff is all very friendly.

The session itself was easy. I spotted the psychologist as soon as he walked in the office. Talk about a walking stereotype! LOL He was older, tall and skinny with this fly away gray hair - kind of einsteiny. He asked about me, our marriage (my husband Rob was there), our kids, our family, etc etc etc! It was so funny to sit there and be analyzed. I've never sat down and thought, well this is the way I am and its because . . . . He said I was stable now because of the adversity I lived through as a child. Umm, okay. He gave us tips for telling Erik about the pregnancy, which was nice, and told me the only life advice he had for me (only one?) was to not try to be a super mom, its okay to be less than perfect some of the time. Anyway, he was nice. It was a very short session, and Rob was ubersupportive, of course, and it went well. I'm all cleared now to be a surrogate! Yeah, me!

The next step is the IVF class on Monday, which I am really looking forward to. The whole thing is so confusing, I'm ready to have a the class rather than trying to piece it together from the internet.

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