Friday, May 8, 2009


So I haven't been on here in forever, because things got really discouraging, and I didn't feel like writing about it. Basically I got all my tests done, and them my PIM started not returning my calls on a consistent basis. And then she wanted to meet and discuss the contract at Dunkin Donuts, even though I told her this made me uncomfortable. We met, and she mentioned she didn't want to be in the room for the birth of the baby, b/c it wasn't her egg. At this point I freaked out, and 4 days later ended it. So the search began again.
Although NCCRM approved me with no problems, other clinics began to have serious issues with my pregnancy history. Rejection hurts, let me tell ya.
So now I have a couple I mostly like on back burner, and am waiting to hear from Carolina Conceptions about a local couple . . . and that's where I am. I was unbelievably naive to think I could be pregnant by summer's end. Maybe by year's end . . urgh. So frustrating.

1 comment:

  1. I matched with Lori last year (read my blog around August/Sept of last year). Lori... 40's, last name starts with an S, Indian husband.

    Have you been over to yet?

    You'll match soon!!! HANG IN THERE!
